Thursday, November 18, 2010

Spirtual Gift Analysis

If you have never taken a Spiritual Gift Analysis and always wanted check out the web site under teacher links in the side column named Spiritual Gift Analysis. Remember to answer the questions with the first answer that comes to mind if you think about it to long your results may not be accurate. You may or may not be suprised with the outcome!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Writing on the Heart of a Child

by Rev. Gary R. Linn Children’s Ministry Today

Is the life of a child really a blank slate to write upon? If so, what message will you write on the lives of your children this week?

Today’s Word of Challenge stirred up within me as I was spending time with God while sitting at my desk early this morning. While being quite in spirit and listening to His Spirit speak, my eyes noticed a small inscribed notepad lying on my desk. Recently, an advertising company mailed me a sample of one of their products which has “Compliments of Children’s Ministry Today” embossed across the front. It has a lovely royal blue toned leather cover. Inside is a yearly calendar, small pen, and notepad.

The parallels between this pad and the life of a child became so obvious to me. Calendar – Represents ‘All the Days of this Child’s Life’

Blank Notepad – Represents ‘A New Life Starting Out Fresh in which Anything can be Written’

As I looked at the ministry name on the cover which is protecting the contents, I realized the analogy for us is that we are the protecting cover. And, we also have the opportunity to open up and use the pen to write upon the ‘tablet of their hearts.’

Consider Proverbs 7:1,3 “My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.” God has entrusted your children into your care. You are to assist them in storing up His commands and promises and helping your children to write His Word on their hearts.

So, how are you going to accomplish this most precious pursuit? I believe the Psalmist gives us the answer in Psalm 45 where he writes, “My tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.”

Speak into the lives of your children this week. Make the effort to personally speak to as many of your children as possible. Speak a scripture of God’s love. Speak words of encouragement. As you speak, you are writing those words on their hearts.

If you are feeling as though your words may not have any effect, let me guarantee you that they will! Your words are anointed by God as you speak to your children. The promise (or declaration) from Psalm 45:2 for you is this, “Your lips have been anointed with grace.”

Allow me to speak into your heart today…

God’s wisdom and guidance be upon you this week as you most wonderfully minister to your children! His love, grace, compassion, and healing power flow through your every word and action. Your lips are anointed. You are empowered by His Spirit to forever change the life of each child to whom you minister! In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

(P.S. – Who knows, maybe one day you will get a glimpse into the tablet of their hearts and discover that the words God spoke through you are written in large bold letters, underlined, and highlighted! Gives you something to think about, doesn’t it!)